Heritage Museum Tour
602 Main Street
Want to see a bit more of Smithville's history? Containing artifacts and photos from Smithville’s early days, the Smithville Heritage Museum is itself a piece of history. Built in 1908, the Victorian structure was donated to the Smithville Heritage Society. The second story contains exhibits that are furnished with memorabilia that reflect early life in the community. The first floor also has memorabilia, but the back room is used for meetings.
In the backyard, a climate-controlled building keeps the archives of books and photos. Members of the Historical Society usually can be found archiving information on Tuesdays from 10-11:30 a.m. in the backyard building. Guided tours are available by appointment.

Movie Sight Tours
With over 40 film productions in town, including the movie that started it all - "Hope Floats," the Cannes France Palm D'or winner, "Tree of Life," "Beneath the Darkness" which utilized many students and our school system facilities, the quirky "Artois The Goat," award winning "National Selection," and the controversial "Doonby."
Smithville is known as a "movie town" in the industry and among fans, and was named as the first Film Friendly Town in Texas by the Texas Film Commission. Directors and producers love Smithville's "can do" attitude.
The Chamber has created an 11"x17" color-coded map of all the movie locations with briefs of some of the more well-known ones. Print a copy yourself, stop in at the Chamber Monday through Friday 10AM to 4PM to pick one up, or look for the Wayfinder Signs along Main Street, at 1st, 2nd and Loop 230 for brochures and other literature.
Please remember to be courteous at the private locations.
Bus Tours
The Chamber has numerous items of interest for those who travel on bus tours. Call ahead so we can plan the best tour based on your interests. Our best days for giving tours are Wednesday and Thursday, but we'll work with you.
Just give us a call at 512-237-2313 or e-mail for details to chamber@smithvilletx.org. Please put "BUS TOUR REQUEST" in the subject line of the email.