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Eco/Photo Fest 2020

Eco/Photo Fest 2020 - Online

Eco/Photo Fest: 10/10/2020-10/24/2020!

This year the Eco Fest and Photo Fest have merged into one virtual program. Beginning on October 10 this year (10/10/2020), Eco/Photo Fest kicked off virtual conference that focuses on the connection between photographic instruction and relatable topics in the environment, ecological systems, and outdoor tourism.

smithville texas eco photo fest logo

Many thanks to our SPEAKERS! You can watch their videos below. We are also grateful to them to participating as panelists on the "Natural World" and "Human Element" Q&A sessions that were recorded live. Thanks also to Alyssia Cook, who moderated an "Outdoor Tourism Round Table" -- you can watch all three of these programs and feel free to contact the Chamber if you have questions or want to get involved.

Of course, the Photo Fest side is still hosting a photography contest. After having learned something through the photography instruction, you can submit photos for prizes and recognition. The official end of the program is 10/24/2020, when the photo contest will end. Send any photo entries to Becky Osborne at between 10/10 and 10/24 -- INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION HERE.

This year, we are also doing a "Tiger Trail" walking/biking program!  Send your selfies at iconic Smithville locations and/or screenshots of the designs you make while walking or biking to Becky Osborne at between 10/10 and 10/24 for a chance at a drawing for prizes. TIGER TRACKS - 2020 Smithville Photo-Eco Fest v2

If you enjoy and learn something from these videos, we hope you will consider making a small donation. All proceeds will become part of the Keep Smithville Beautiful programming for 2021, including a Clean Street program, the Youth Banners, and Sculptures on Main, among others. THANK YOU for helping to keep Smithville clean and beautiful!

thanks sponsors


Doug’s Plumbing logo

If you haven't had enough fun yet, keep the eco and photo going on 10/17/2020 with the "Meet Your Maker" program coordinated by Bernadette Noll.[%7B%22mechanism%22%3A%22search_results%22%2C%22surface%22%3A%22search%22%7D]%7D

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